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The Psychological Novel

Britannica defines the psychological novel as a " Work of fiction in which the thoughts, feelings, and motivations of the characters are...

Top 10 Reads of 2021

10. Lovely War by Julie Berry Now, I am notoriously against these WW11 love stories. The genre annoys me as a whole, so I was tentative...

Burn to Ash By Tess Duwel

TW: This story contains themes of sexual assault and self-harm. Lucy had always been fascinated by fire. The light, the heat, the ash,...


Hello All! My name is Laani, and I'm so excited to get writing on this blog! Some things about me: I am a musician by trade, but I write...

Women Writers and Madness

Addressing the Role of Madness in Women's Literature Recently, in a hole of research about Sylvia Plath and Virginia Woolf; I came across...

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