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Updated: Nov 25, 2021

This will be my first time writing a blog, and I am so excited to share it with you all!

A little about me: I am a writing studies major with a minor in marketing at Northern Kentucky University. I would love to go into the book publishing business and work with other women out there who have a passion for discussing or writing books. College has been the first time that I have finally been able to meet people who share the same passion for really any type of literature with me, and I hope that you will be able to join me in that.

Feel Free to comment things that you are interested in specifically! A few of mine are:

  1. Virginia Woolf

  2. John Keats and the Romantics

  3. Nella Larsen

  4. Star Wars

  5. Rock from the late 60's-now

  6. Pride and Prejudice (Movie and Book)

I can't wait to learn more about you guys and to build a community!


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